support us with your signature

Every signature counts! Don't underestimate the power of an online petition. Join our calls: your signature can give a voice to animals. 

bear Erich swimming

stand against bear cruelty

and join us as a Paw Pal to #SavetheSaddestBears

Join Now!
Cats in the cat meat trade

save dogs and cats in Southeast Asia

Add your voice to #ProtectMillions of cats and dogs from the dog and cat meat trade

sign now!
Ban fur!

ban fur sales in australia

We must ban fur. Join our call on NSW and VIC Premiers to ban fur for a #FurFreeAustralia

Bear in a cage


Help us put pressure on the Hanoi government to end bear farming for good

sign now!
tiger cubs in captive farm in South Africa

break the vicious cycle

Help us ban the commercial trade of big cats in South Africa.

Sign now!
Lamb looking at camera

protect lambs from Live lamb cutting (mulesing)

Every year millions of Australian lambs raised for wool production continue to suffer the brutal mutilation practice of mulesing

Sign now!
Woman holding a goose

Pledge to 
wear it kind

Pledge to help create an animal-friendly fashion future

Sign noW!
Caged animals in factory farms

make animal welfare a priority to stop the next pandemic

Join our call to prevent the outbreak of future pandemics

Sign now
Elephant Kaavan

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Tiger Caruso at LIONSROCK

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