SPORTALM #KissFurGoodbye
SPORTALM Kitzbühel, an established luxury ski wear brand based in Austria still sells real fur. Let us convince the company together to leave this cruel and obsolete industry.
The Truth behind the real fur of SPORTALM Kitzbühel
Yearly, more than 95 million minks, foxes, raccoon dogs, and other animals are killed for their fur. The good news is the fashion industry is turning its back on fur: More and more companies are going fur free and choosing to produce animal-friendly fashion.
However, SPORTALM Kitzbühel,whose goods are sold worldwide, and also here in Australia, still sells hats with pom-poms and collars made of real fur. After FOUR PAWS contacted them, they argued that they only use certified fur of raccoon dogs from “serious” breeders. They named one of their suppliers: “Saga Furs".
FOUR PAWS recently received footage of one of these certified fur farms. Watch the horrendous conditions these animals live in.
Note: Any advertisements that may appear during the viewing of this video are unrelated to FOUR PAWS. We assume no liability for this content.
No certification can justify the suffering of animals. Real fur can never be ethically, nor can it be produced sustainably.
The animals live the entirety of their short lives in tiny wire mesh cages above their own excrement. These terrible conditions is a permanent stress factor for the raccoon dogs. Self-mutilation, injuries and diseases are the consequence. Due to this, infectious diseases can spread like wildfire – which is why fur farms pose a threat to human health. After only a few months the tortured animals are killed for their fur.

Despite all this suffering, the fashion company SPORTALM, led by Ulli Ehrlich, continues to produce, sell and advertise their furry products.
Fur is a cruel, unnecessary product that many Australians do not support, and has dubious traceability and major issues of mislabelling. Australia must take action to end its import of fur and fur sales - it's the least we can do.

Voice your opposition against real fur at SPORTALM Kitzbühel
Find out how.

Previously in the campaign against SPORTALM's use of fur
Learn more.
Together against real fur at SPORTALM Kitzbühel
So far, we have not received any answer from the Austrian fashion company. But we will not give up and need your support to move SPORTALM Kitzbühel to end their fur horror made in Austria.
Below are ways to support our campaign:
1. Send an Email to SPORTALM Kitzbühel via their customer contact form
Copy our suggested text into the customer contact form of SPORTALM Kitzbühel here: www.sportalm.at/de/kontaktformular
Text suggestion
Dear SPORTALM team and Ms. Ulli Ehrlich,
I was sad to hear from FOUR PAWS that you are still sticking to the cruel real fur business. Real fur is not only out of fashion, its production also poses an enormous risk to the environment and our health: The farms on which the animals are crammed together in cages are a breeding ground for highly contagious diseases!
But, above all, real fur production is always associated with unspeakable animal suffering! Fur can never be ethically correct or sustainable, and no certification can change this fact. Behind every fur use, no matter how small, there is a living being who "in the name of fashion" is forced to live in a cage and never able to live out their natural behavior in the wild. In tiny wire mesh cages, the animals suffer from constant stress and self-mutilation, only to be killed brutally by gas, electric shock or lethal injection.
Many companies in the fur industry has left this cruel business - SPORTALM can leave real fur behind too - you won't regret it.
SPORTALM, kiss fur goodbye!
From an animal lover.
2. Post on the Facebook Wall of SPORTALM Kitzbühel
This is how: Pick and copy your favorite text and post it on to their Facebook-Wall www.facebook.com/SportalmKitzbuehel!
Post version 1
SPORTALM, put an end to fur! Even the smallest use of real fur - whether pom-pom or collar - means immense suffering for animals. The reality on fur farms is known: animals cooped up in wire mesh cages lead a painful life over their own excrement. Only to be brutally killed for their fur. In addition, fur farms provide a breeding ground for highly contagious diseases and are thus a danger to our public health! Leave this cruel business behind! SPORTALM, kiss fur goodbye!
#sportalm #akissfromkitz #akillfromkitz #kissfurgoodbye #FOURPAWS
Post version 2
SPORTALM, put an end to real fur! Your catalogue still include pom-poms and collars made from raccoon dog fur! Animal torture has long been out of fashion! Get out of this cruel business and #kissfurgoodbye!
#sportalm #akissfromkitz #akillfromkitz #FOURPAWS
Post version 3
SPORTALM, put an end to fur! It's not far from #akissfromkitz to #akillfromkitz. Every real fur use, no matter how small, was once a living being! Kiss fur goodbye!
#sportalm #FOURPAWS
3. Comment on latest posts by SPORTALM Kitzbühel on Facebook & Instagram
This is how: Pick and copy your favorite text and comment on www.facebook.com/SportalmKitzbuehel or www.instagram.com/sportalm_kb/!
Comment version 1
FURget it, @Sportalm! There is no such thing as sustainable fur. Animals suffer for your pom-poms and collars. #kissfurgoodbye #akissfromkitz #akillfromkitz #furfree #sportalm #FOURPAWS
Comment version 2
No more murder for fashion! Real fur always means animal torture. @Sportalm, kiss fur goodbye! #akissfromkitz #akillfromkitz #furfree #kissfurgoodbye #sportalm #FOURPAWS
Comment version 3
1 pom-pom = 1 life. 1 collar = 1 life. Fashion doesn't need real fur! @Sportalm, kiss fur goodbye! #akissfromkitz #akillfromkitz #furfree #kissfurgoodbye #sportalm #FOURPAWS
Previous activities
Our efforts against real fur at SPORTALM Kitzbühel

More than 13,500 signatures against real fur at SPORTALM KITZBÜHEL
Within a short amount of time, we collected 13,500 signatures and handed them over to the SPORTALM store in Vienna. We also sent them to the headquarters in Kitzbühel, Tirol. The company still refuses any dialogue with us.

Valentine's Day mail for SPORTALM KITZBÜHEL
For Valentine's Day – the day of love - we wanted to convince the Austrian fashion company, together with our community, to leave the bloody fur business behind. With the hashtag #flowers4change we requested the SPORTSALM company CEO, Ulli Ehrlich via Twitter, to turn her back to real fur. We received no response.

January 2021: We sent a few fur items from SPORTALM Kitzbühel for a toxin analysis to a laboratory. The fur collar as well as the fur pom-pom had levels that were significantly higher than industry standards. The high amount of toxins (formaldehyde, hormon-active Nonylphenolethoxylaten) make real fur not only cruel but also dangerous for human health. We confronted the company with the laboratory results but received no response.

FurREPORT 2020
Between autumn 2019 and summer 2020, we checked 186 companies and brands in Austria, Germany and Switzerland regarding their use of real fur. SPORTALM Kitzbühel confirmed to us during our research that they still use real fur in their fashion. Read the report (in German only).